Talk about the most wonderful time of the year, am I right? A break from school and work, spending time with loved ones, and so much delicious food makes this season an absolute delight. But it's no fun to spend the holidays in a food coma or by gaining weight. Luckily, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has some great tips for enjoying the holidays without going overboard.
1. Don't Skip Meals!
We often hear of people skipping meals in order to save their appetite for an event later in the day. Research shows that skipping meals can actually lead to overeating! It's important to have breakfast and other meals throughout the day and by focusing on eating fruits, vegetables, and nutrient-rich dairy products, you can satisfy your hunger without ruining your appetite.
2. Eat Small Portions
Listen to your body and honor your satiety! Start with small, well-balanced portions and pay attention to what your body is telling you. This will allow you to still eat dessert while maintaining a healthy eating plan.
3. Pick a Strategy to Avoid Overeating - and Use It!
There are many ways to still enjoy your meal without overeating. One example is to use a smaller plate to help limit portion sizes (which goes hand-in-hand with tip #2!) Another idea is to start with a salad before getting the entrees. Don't eat just because something is available. Be intentional!
4. Keep Moving
There are a plethora of fun ideas to stay active while enjoying the holidays and spending time with family. You could look for opportunities in your community or many areas host “fun runs.” You could also organize an indoor soccer game, go for a hike, or take a page out of my family's book and dance around the kitchen!
5. Visit with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)
RDNs are trained professionals that can help you stay motivated and stick to your goals, even through the holidays! They have many tips and tricks to help you beat the food coma and avoid the extra weight.
There is room for all types of food in a healthy, well-balanced diet so remember to enjoy yourself! Whatever your reason for the season, we wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy holiday.

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