
What do you do for udder health?


Hello everybody, Tony Vander Hulst here West Point Farms in Wendell, Idaho. Every now and then we have questions that are thrown at us as dairy farmers and the public is interested in what do you do for udder health.

Over here at West Point Farms we have a protocol that we follow when the cows come in the barn. We have a process where we put a predipped solution on the udder and the teet ends and wipe them down and within minutes after wiping everything down, we attach the milking units. The reason why we wait 45 seconds to a minute to get the milk let down is so the cows can let the milk down on their own.

Also, a process in udder health management is checking the units to making sure that the adjustments are working well, the vacumm levels are right, the pulsation mode is in top notch order. It also come into play of rebuilding pulsation kits, milk meters, and changing out the milking shells and cloths. The reason why we do that is to keep everything clean so we don’t get flareups or mastitis.

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