
What is the National Dairy FARM Program?


The FARM program – the acronym FARM stands for “Farmers Assuring Responsible Management.” This is a program implemented by National Milk Producers Federation and all of our dairy farms participate in this program. There are four critical areas of this program: animal care, environmental stewardship, workforce development and antibiotic stewardship.

Animal care is really important to our dairy farmers and they do a great job taking care of the animals. Every three years, a dairy will participate in an evaluation where a second party evaluator will evaluate cows on hygiene, locomotion, body condition and look at all the animals on the farm to see that they’re in the best conditions possible.

Answered By:

Bryce Chambers has been the Milk Quality Specialist with Dairy Farmers of America since 2017 and has been working for DFA since 2013. He is fluent in Spanish and serves 250+ dairy farms in Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada and California.


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