Milk on retail shelves comes from as close as possible based on the type of product you are purchasing, the brand and local processing capacity/capabilities. Since milk is perishable, it doesn’t make sense for it to be transported farther than needed! This website will show you what plant the milk you find on the grocery store shelves is coming from: - Simply type the code printed on the carton/jug into the website’s search box and the plant name/location will pop up. In many cases, several brands will come from the same fluid milk processing plant. Most of the milk in Idaho goes into products other than fluid milk (cheese and powder); however, if you click on “local dairies” at the top of the page, you will find processing plants near you. It's also important to note that milk crosses state lines as well. For example, some Oregon milk is processed in Idaho and some Idaho milk is processed in Utah.
I hope this helps! We appreciate you looking to support local dairy farmers during this time.

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Dairy West represents dairy farm families in Idaho and Utah and promotes the dairy industry and dairy products locally, nationally and globally.
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